
Cookies are small files containing only numbers, text or other characters that are stored in your web browser. On their own cookies are entirely harmless, they are completely inert and cannot harm your computer or collect information about you. They are often used to store information as you move from page to page, for example any preferences you may have set.

A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Cookies set by uses Google Analytics cookies to see how you use our site, how you found us, what pages you look at and how long you spent. When used like this no personally identifiable data is collected but the data collected is aggregated to produce reports. These ensure that the site is easy to use and that the information is presented in a user friendly way.

Google Analytics Cookies

  • Cookie __utma This cookie is added on your first visit to our site and whenever you subsequently visit the site if you have since deleted the cookie, it is updated with every page you view. The cookie contains a randomly generated ID that Google uses to tell us how many unique visitors we have had. The cookie remains in you browser for 2 years from when it was set or last updated.
  • Cookie __utmb This is a session cookie it attempts to monitor how long you remain on the site, which indicates to us if you find the information we provide useful. The cookie is set when you first visit a page and reset for every page you visit. It expires 30 minutes after you select the last page you view.
  • Cookie __utmc This cookie set but is not used with our version of the analytics software. On older sites this cookie works with __utmb above. It is set only for compatibility with older versions of the Google software.
  • Cookie __utmz This cookie tells us how you reached our site and which pages you visited once here. For example did you type in the domain name, use a bookmarked page, did you use a search engine or perhaps click an advertisement on another web site. It is important for us to understand how our visitors find us and what pages are of most interest. This cookie is set when you first arrive on the site and is updated each time you go to a new page. It expires 6 months from when it was set or last updated.

To see more information about Google cookies, to read their privacy policy or opt out of Google cookies visit Google Privacy Policy